• Mã sản phẩm: PD001466
    Đăng ngày: 04/15/2022 16:37:15
    Tình trạng: Còn 26 sản phẩm
  • Thương hiệu: Texas Instruments

MSP430FR2433IRGET 16 MHz MCU with 16KB FRAM, 4KB SRAM, 10-bit ADC, UART/SPI/I2C, timer

Features for the MSP430FR2433

  • Embedded microcontroller
    • 16-bit RISC architecture
    • Clock supports frequencies up to 16 MHz
    • Wide supply voltage range from 3.6 V down to 1.8 V (minimum supply voltage is restricted by SVS levels, see the SVS specifications)
  • Optimized ultra-low-power modes
    • Active mode: 126 µA/MHz (typical)
    • Standby: <1 µA with VLO
    • LPM3.5 real-time clock (RTC) counter with 32768-Hz crystal: 730 nA (typical)
    • Shutdown (LPM4.5): 16 nA (typical)
  • High-performance analog
    • 8-channel 10-bit analog-to-digital converter (ADC)
      • Internal 1.5-V reference
      • Sample-and-hold 200 ksps
  • Enhanced serial communications
    • Two enhanced universal serial communication interfaces (eUSCI_A) support UART, IrDA, and SPI
    • One eUSCI (eUSCI_B) supports SPI and I2C
  • Intelligent digital peripherals
    • Four 16-bit timers
      • Two timers with three capture/compare registers each (Timer_A3)
      • Two timers with two capture/compare registers each (Timer_A2)
    • One 16-bit counter-only RTC
    • 16-bit cyclic redundancy check (CRC)
  • Low-power ferroelectric RAM (FRAM)
    • Up to 15.5KB of nonvolatile memory
    • Built-in error correction code (ECC)
    • Configurable write protection
    • Unified memory of program, constants, and storage
    • 1015 write cycle endurance
    • Radiation resistant and nonmagnetic
    • High FRAM-to-SRAM ratio, up to 4:1
  • Clock system (CS)
    • On-chip 32-kHz RC oscillator (REFO)
    • On-chip 16-MHz digitally controlled oscillator (DCO) with frequency-locked loop (FLL)
      • ±1% accuracy with on-chip reference at room temperature
    • On-chip very low-frequency 10-kHz oscillator (VLO)
    • On-chip high-frequency modulation oscillator (MODOSC)
    • External 32-kHz crystal oscillator (LFXT)
    • Programmable MCLK prescalar of 1 to 128
    • SMCLK derived from MCLK with programmable prescalar of 1, 2, 4, or 8
  • General input/output and pin functionality
    • Total of 19 I/Os on VQFN-24 package
    • 16 interrupt pins (P1 and P2) can wake MCU from low-power modes
  • Development tools and software
    • Development tools
      • LaunchPad™ development kit (MSP‑EXP430FR2433)
      • Target development board (MSP‑TS430RGE24A)
  • Family member (also see Device Comparison)
    • MSP430FR2433: 15KB of program FRAM, 512B of information FRAM, 4KB of RAM
  • Package options
    • 24 pin: VQFN (RGE)
    • 24-pin: DSBGA (YQW)

Sản phẩm được cung cấp bởi Điện tử Phương Dũng - Website:

Cửa hàng có nhiều sản phẩm, Quý khách không tìm thấy trên web có thể liên lạc với số: 0973291368  - Mr Dũng hoặc Ms Phương: 0977030039

Trân trọng cảm ơn Quý khách!

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Thông tin liên hệ:

Địa chỉ: Số 9, Ngõ 132/66/2 Đường Cầu diễn, TDP Nguyên Xá 1, Phường Minh Khai, Quận Bắc Từ Liêm, Hà nội

Quản trị/ Hỗ trợ kỹ thuật: Mr Dũng 0973291368

Bán hàng: Ms Phương: 0977030039

Thông tin thanh toán:

1. Ngân hàng VietComBank - Chi nhánh Thăng Long.

Số tài khoản: 0491000106676 - Chủ tài khoản: Nguyễn Văn Dũng

2. Ngân hàng Agribank - Chi Nhánh Từ liêm.

Số tài khoản: 3100205246971 - Chủ tài khoản: Nguyễn Thị Phương

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